Jennifer Eckhart, GOP candidate for Montgomery County Precinct 2 Commissioner, has signed The Texas Conservative Pledge.
“I gladly signed the “Texas Conservative Pledge” as a commitment to my role as Montgomery County Commissioner. Too many Republicans have veered from what it means to be a conservative. We, as a people, need to hold each other and certainly our elected officials to the beliefs and standards of what it means to truly be conservative. Our nation depends on it,” stated Holt when asked why she signed The Texas Conservative Pledge.
“County commissioners serve vital roles in Texas, and for much too long these local levels of government have suffered from lack of transparency, obvious conflicts-of-interest, nepotism, and even corruption. Jennifer is a rock-solid conservative who has made a commitment to restore public trust at the county commissioner level,” said David Roberts, Director of Texans for True Conservatives.
Born and raised in Houston, Jennifer Eckhart is a 7th generation Texan. After getting married, Jennifer and Steve moved to Connecticut for Steve’s job. During this time, Jennifer graduated Magna Cum Laude from the School of Business at UConn. They returned to Texas after 3 years to the Champions area of North Houston.
They made Magnolia their home 21 years ago when Jennifer was working in The Woodlands as the Vice President of Life Forms Mortgage. The last year before taking time off to be home with their children, Jennifer captured $37mil in business revenue. She was known for getting the job done and getting it done right.
Jennifer has a track record of bringing her business skills, work ethic and servant’s heart, into every role she has undertaken. She has expertise in construction, financing, business management and believes in fighting for conservative values.
Jennifer was recruited to serve on the neighborhood HOA Board and began working with adjacent neighborhoods on joint drainage issues. While studying and working on local issues she became increasingly frustrated by a lack of action that would improve the lives of the people in Montgomery County. She learned about the County Commissioner’s role and the impact she could have and decided to run for the position.
Jennifer will use her skills to benefit the people of Precinct 2 and the rest of Montgomery County. She will do more than vote for lower taxes, she will stop wasteful spending and drive better management and efficiency. She will bring back ethics and transparency. She will not be involved with nepotism in Precinct 2.
Jennifer will prepare for the expected exponential growth with comprehensive planning and improved infrastructure, by funding our police, all while working to keep our small-town feel.
“Steve and I built our home in Magnolia and have watched the community change and grow. I was blessed to be a fulltime mom to our 3 boys. I volunteered in the community, at Church in the children’s ministry, and as a leader in Ladies’ Bible study. I also served in our children’s schools as room mom and in the Band boosters. I want to continue to help my community with my God given talents and skills.
Montgomery County Precinct 2 is primarily an area West of Interstate 45, South of Highway 105, and north of most of The Woodlands.
About The Pledge
The Texans for True Conservatives PAC (a Super Pac) was formed to support “real” Texas Constitutional Conservatives who are dedicated to honoring their pledge to true conservative values at the local, state, and federal levels. The TexasCPAC will hold all candidates who pledge to strict adherence to their pledge in their individual voting records, as well as expose candidates who did not “pledge” and who are not likely to uphold our conservative Texas values.
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